How Can a Single Dad or Father Get Laid?

Posted by: laidtips  :  Category: Recent Tips

So, the baby is now a few months old, or worse, the children are a few years old, and you’re still not getting the same sex you had B.C. (before children)? Well pal, you’re not alone, though I bet no one quite mentioned that when they were all nagging at you to have kids. No one ever mentions this part.

Well, now you’re going to have to resort to some planning and artful execution. Remember back in college or when you were just starting out, on Saturday night how you needed a carefully thought out plan to finish the evening’s love story with a happy ending?  And you thought all that was behind you the night you proposed. Well Charley, you don’t know the half of it. Not only will getting a little nookie be challenging, you’ve made a commitment to stay with the same gal (and the mom of your children) ‘till death do us part.’ So, here are a few GreatDad tips for maybe getting some. I’m sorry but there are no guarantees on this one.

1. Break out the flowers and champagne. This one is a little too transparent to work more than once a month, but always worth a try.

2. Be a great dad. Actually, moms are turned on by strong men who can show they can take care of little kids. After putting the little one down for a nap, you might get one of your own.

3. Plan your getaway. Yeah, it’s trite, but organizing a weekend away, including a relative to watch the kids, does wonders for a girl’s libido. You might even pack some toys.

4. Watch some smut. Casually leave a Cinemax-style soft core playing around bed time. You might be surprised that it gets her in the mood. Just don’t play anything too graphic. (Read about some X-Rated movies that you can watch with your wife.)

5. Do the laundry and the dishes and make dinner. Women hate that stuff hanging over their heads. If she’s just getting home from work and it’s all done for once, she may have room in her brain for other things.

6. Throw out the bedroom TV. A study last year in Italy showed that couples who gave up TV in bed, doubled their sex per week.

7. Don’t expect much quickie sex. Unfortunately, it’s less about animal lust these days.

8. Stay in shape, shower up and be stay attractive to her. What’s good for the goose…

9. Don’t push it. Don’t whine about not getting any sex, or insist when she’s not into it. That only will lead to bad feelings all around. You’re going to have to be more artful here.

10. Suggest baby #2 or #3. Nothing motivates a woman more than when she’s trying to have a baby, as you will recall from baby #1. This is not recommended unless  you are really ready for the next one.